Full Stack Web Developer

Strive to learn new technologies and modern programming languages to develope amazing apps and stunning websites

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Allen Maxwell

Hello, my name is Allen Maxwell and I am a full stack web developer. Prior to web developing I worked in the automotive field for over ten years. I’ve done everything from managing a parts store, provide exceptional customer service, and diagnose cars. Now, I’m excited for the next step in my life; web developing.

All my life I’ve enjoyed building things, whether it be cars, music, or web developing; I have always had a creative passion. I have devoted hundreds of hours learning multiple modern programing languages such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, React, MySQL, Sequelize, MongoDB, Firebase, Express and Node. Through these studies I have created this website and below are links to some of my projects I am very proud of. Early in my programming career I developed a few simple games such as a Trivia Game and Hangman. I have also worked in a group organization via GitHub where we each created our own branch off master, made multiple commits, and created pull requests. In these groups we collaborated to create some awesome full stack applications. One of these apps is called Techbook and another is called In The Kitchen. Below are links to both these apps as well as a description and a link to the GitHub page.

Apart from web developing, I enjoy outdoor activities and spending time with my lovely wife, Silvia. Silvia and I constantly push each other to obtain a greater education and have high goals in life. The constant support is invaluable to success in life and I am very grateful.

Please contact me if you are interested in me developing a website for you or your company. Thank you!

Let's Begin!

In The Kitchen gitHub

Bootstrap | Handlebars | MySQL | Sequelize | Passport | Cloudinary | Express | Node

This is a full stack web application that allows users to quickly and easily find and share food recipes. A user can browse different food categories by simply clicking any one of the cuisines displayed on the home page. Once the cuisine is clicked, the page will load all the recipes within that category. To personalize the experience the user can login to the app via their Google or Facebook account. When the user is logged in, they can post their own recipe and save any recipe to their favorites page. The user will also have access to edit and delete their own recipes. Once again, the idea is to make it easy for anyone to share their homecooked recipes and find great recipes while expanding their minds to the creative culinary world.

Techbook gitHub

React | Lodash | Axios | Express | Node | Sequelize | Passport | Bcrypt | Cloudinary

This is a MERN stack app to showcase tech startup projects, business plans, or any other application you wish. By displaying your content, other user will be able to view that product and leave any professional comments or opinions, endorse your product, or save it to their favorites page to refer back to it. Between the feedback and possible endorsments, you'll be able to get your product off the ground in no time!

Google Book Search gitHub

React | React-Router | Axios | Node | Express | MongoDB

This is a full stack MERN app that allows you to ping Google Book API and search for a book. The app will display a maximun of ten results of the search to the user. The results will display the title, author(s), image, description, a link to google books, and a save button that will save that book to favorites. Click the favorites tab in the upper right corner, and it will lead you to the favorites page. The favorites page will display all the books that are saved to favorites in the same format the results from the search are display except instead a save to favorites button, it will display a delete button that will remove the book from favorites. Happy searching!

Newbee App gitHub

Bootstrap | JavaScript | jQuery | AJAX | Firebase | Moment.js | Webpack

Looking for some Entertainment, but don't know where to look? Look no further... Newbee App lets you find events near you! Easily search local sporting events, concerts, and comedy shows within your current location. Select the categorie(s) you're interested and hit the "GO" button. Newbee will generate a list of events in your area! Find an event you like and when you click on it, that event will be saved to "My Events". In "My Events" you can easily track the events you're interested in and find tickets by clicking the link to the right of the event.

Trivia Game gitHub

HTML | CSS | JavaScript

This is a Rock and Roll theme trivia game! You will have 20 seconds to answer each question. The program will count how many questions you got correct, incorrect and unanswered. If answered incorrectly, the program will display the correct answer and then move on to the next question. When you reach the end of the game, the program will display the results and you can click "Restart" to play again.

Our next adventure is a click away

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I'm eager to hear your feedback! See you soon!